[Best Free Udemy Courses] – Event U – The Ultimate Guide to Successful Event Planning

[Best Free Udemy Courses] – Event U – The Ultimate Guide to Successful Event Planning
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Event U: The Ultimate Guide to Successful Event Planning.
Simple strategies to becoming an expert event planner in less than 30 days.
What Will I Learn?
  • Work with clients from the inception to the end of an event.
  • Create a welcome package and contracts for clients.
  • Create an event budget.
  • Select venues and suppliers.
  • Create an event planning timeline, employ design strategies and use the most common event planning tools and templates to plan an event.
  • Identify and mitigate risk.
  • Create a sponsorship package for an event.
  • Get media attention and coordinate PR for an event.
  • Assess the outcome of an event and create strategies for improvement.
  • Start an event planning business
  • Learn about potential careers in the event planning industry

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