Entrepreneurship Basic – [Udemy Free Courses]

Entrepreneurship Basic – [Udemy Free Courses]
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Entrepreneurship Basic

Have absolute clarity about Marketing | Customer Experience | Brand | Sales

What Will I Learn?

  • Many ideas on how to create a successful marketing campaign.
  • Marketing Strategies on how to generate new leads and customers.
  • Proven strategies on how to get customers to come back frequently.
  • Ways to improve customer experience
  • 6 Steps to convert a potential lead into customer (Sales Process)
  • Bonus: The Business Mindset & Business Model Validation
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  • A strong desire and passion to begin a business.
  • Belief that you can achieve greatest as an entrepreneur
  • Have high self-esteem, confident and want to make a different


This is a simple, quick start short course for people who like to learn more about:

– Easy strategies to generate more customer

– Quick strategies to improve business revenue

– Create a great customer experience to get customer to return often

– The money FREE ways to do build your BRAND

– 6 Steps Sales Process which you bring you instant results

– Bonus: Have Absolute Clarity and Validity about your Business Mindset and Business Model

Who is the target audience?

  • Startup Entrepreneur who is going to venture in a retails business or start an online business selling products.
  • Business owner who like to understand more about Sales and Marketing strategies and tactics
  • Marketers who are looking for great ideas
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