Everything you need to know about trigonometry – [Udemy Offer Code]

Everything you need to know about trigonometry – [Udemy Offer Code]
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Everything you need to know about trigonometry

Master the most common trigonometry concepts

What Will I Learn?

  • Students will acquire great knowledge of trigonometry and will be able to work on more difficult tasks on their own.


  • No prior knowledge required, just basic math understanding.
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In this course you will learn how to solve trigonometry problems and it will enable you to expand your knowledge of trigonometry even more on your own. In about an hour you will understand months worth of classes and that is what gives you the advantage over your peers.

You will understand how trigonometric functions work, and you will easily be able to solve trigonometric equations and inequalities. You will learn how to work with radians and, also, you will learn how to use the trigonometric circle for representing positive and negative angles and for solving equations and inequalities.

You will understand the concept of a period of a function and how it applies to trigonometric functions.

Who is the target audience?

  • Anyone who wants to master trigonometry.

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