[Get Udemy Courses For Free] – How to Recognise Chords by ear;Develop a Skilled Musical ear

[Get Udemy Courses For Free] – How to Recognise Chords by ear;Develop a Skilled Musical ear
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Piano Course that teaches you how to train your ears to be able to recognise different types of Chords

What Will I Learn?
  • You will know how to train your ears to be able to recognise a Major Key’s Tonic Chord
  • You will know how to train your ears to be able to recognise a Major Key’s Supertonic Chord
  • You will know how to train your ears to be able to recognise a Major Key’s Mediant Chord
  • You will know how to train your ears to be able to recognise a Major Key’s Subdominant Chord
  • You will know how to train your ears to be able to recognise a Major Key’s Dominant Chord
  • You will know how to train your ears to be able to recognise a Major Key’s Submediant Chord
  • You will know how to train your ears to be able to recognise a Major Key’s Leading-tone Chord
  • You will know how to train your ears to be able to recognise any Chord that is in any Minor Key


  • It is NOT a prerequisite for you to have taken any of my other courses in order to take this course.


Join over 25,000 students that have enrolled in my 9 Music Courses.

This course is part of my music series courses. However, it is not a prerequisite for you to have taken any of my other courses in order to take this course. My 9-Part Series Music Courses include the following Courses:

  1. “How to play Piano – Go from a Beginner/Intermediate to a Pro” Course
  2. “Intermediate to Advanced Piano Course; Become a Top Pianist” Course
  3. “How to create unique/colourful Piano Chord Progressions” Course
  4. “How to compose Beautiful & Catchy Melodies on the Piano” Course
  5. “How to use Slash Chords to create unique sounds & Basslines” Course
  6. “Train your ears to recognise Scale Degrees & a Song’s Key” Course
  7. “Learn to Read & Write Music to play Piano & more instruments” Course
  8. “How to use Altered Chords in your Chord Progressions” Course
  9. “How to Recognise Chords by ear;Develop a Skilled Musical ear” Course

With more than 10.5 hours of content, this Piano course is a course that will teach you how to train your ears to be able to recognise different types of Chords. The first section of this course covers the prerequisites that you need to know in order to progress to the other sections of the course . You can skip the first section of this course if you already understand all the topics that are in it. In this course, you will learn about how to train your ears to recognise the different chords that are in a Major Key. You will also learn about how to train your ears to recognise the different chords that are in a Minor Key.

Who is the target audience?
  • People who want to develop a good musical ear
  • People want to improve their piano playing skills
  • People who want to be able to recognise different types of Chords by ear
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Tags: Piano