A course comprising of six parts with over ninety two-to-four minute videos each focusing on a very specific skill.
Enrol This Course “Excel in Microsoft Excel 2013: Part I” Totally Free For Limited Time. Best Coupon Hunter – UDEMY 100% Free Coupon Code
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This course will help you:
- Launch Excel 2013 with the know-how of working with it confidently and accomplishing the required tasks with ease. The daunting fear of Excel will be laid to rest permanently once you realize that the steps explained in each lecture cut to the chase in a matter of a few minutes.
WHY Should You Take This Course?
- This course is for beginners with no or very little knowledge of the basics of Microsoft Excel 2013. Students with a fair degree of Excel proficiency will find this course too basic for their needs but could serve as a refresher for the nitty gritty stuff that may have been forgotten.
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