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Learn all the concepts in Python that we will be using in IoT
Enrol This Course “Python for IoT Tutorials” Totally Free For Limited Time. Best Coupon Hunter – UDEMY 100% Free Coupon Code
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This course will help you:
- Learn about the exciting field of IoT with Python programming.
- Learn Why Python, Python Setup, Python shell
- Learn Python datatypes & variables, Functions in Python, Python Built-In Functions
- Learn Operators, Control flow statements, Classes in Python, Data Structures in Python
- Learn Exception Handling, Modules, Reading from and writing to Files, and Standard Python libraries
WHY Should You Take This Course?
- Anyone who wants to build projects using Python for IoT
- Students/Professionals interested in electronics and programming
- This course is for all levels of Audience, Anybody who is interested in building IOT products.
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