[Udemy Discount Code] – The Authority Guide to Behaviour in Business

[Udemy Discount Code] – The Authority Guide to Behaviour in Business
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Udemy Coupon – The Authority Guide to Behaviour in Business [100% Free]

How to Inspire Others and Build Successful Relationships.

This course is based upon the book “The Authority Guide to Behaviour in Business: How to Inspire Others and Build Successful Relationships” by Robin Hills

‘The Authority Guides’ is a series of pocket-sized books offering highly practical and accessible guidance on a wide variety of business matters. They are published by independent business publisher SRA Books under the imprint The Authority Guides.

How aware are you of the way that your behaviour impacts you on the way that you build relationships?

Some people are naturally great with other people. However, for most people it takes a dedicated amount of time and energy to build good, powerful business relationships that are authentic and lasting. They are such an integral and necessary part of success, but many people don’t seem to want to put in the work.

Successful and powerful business relationships just don’t happen without dedicated, consistent work.

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The course helps you to

  • Change the way you think about yourself and how you approach situations
  • Move forward and build your understanding of working with your behaviour at your own pace
  • Understand how emotional intelligence and social intelligence can help you to make better decisions and build quality relationships
  • How to inspire others and build successful relationships.

Discover what makes people tick, how they perceive and react to different situations and why they behave the way they do.

This course reveals insights into motivation and how people perceive situations. As it unlocks the secrets of human nature, you’ll learn how to inspire top performance, gain trust, win confidence and build lasting relationships – more effectively and with great results.

What Will I Learn?

  • understand the psychology behind what really motivates and influences people.
  • know how to inspire other people through working effectively with their behaviour.
  • realise what it is that makes people tick and why they behave they way they do.
  • understand how different situations are perceived and why people react in different ways.

Who is the target audience?

  • Anyone who is interested in understanding behaviour in business at a personal level, a team level, or and organisational level.

The Authority Guide to Behaviour in Business Udemy Course

  • Instructor: Robin Hills
  • Course Length: 2.5 hours
  • Course language: English
  • Price: $180

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