[Udemy Discount Coupon] – How to rise above your fears and solve problems

[Udemy Discount Coupon] – How to rise above your fears and solve problems
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Learn how to change your perspective and become the director of your life just by using your imagination in a unique way

What Will I Learn?

  • Learn how you visualize
  • Understand what you can use visualizing for
  • Learn how to change old negative memories to positive ones
  • How Hypnosis can help to solve problems
  • What EFT Emotional Freedom Technique is
  • How to use and apply EFT
  • How to reduce stress with EFT
  • Become a director of your life and having more control over your future and relationships


  • You must have an open mind and be able to daydream
  • Be willing to engage in a unique process
  • Willing to be honest with yourself and look at your past in a new constructive way


Learn how you can easily change your perspective of old experiences that have clouded how you see the world and people in it. Because not everyone has the same life experiences that hold them back, but it is those past experiences that have created who you are today because of your perspective of them. The past becomes like a filter a lens you see everything through shaping every daily thought and experience.

Perhaps you have a irrational fear that others think is excessive or unusual ways of looking at experiences, people and relationships all shaped by emotional past experiences just like ghosts who haunt your thinking. I say ghosts because they are only memories of the past that is over and unless I am mistaken memories have no physical power only emotional and psychological hold over you just as if your life is being held to ransom by ghosts of the past.

I am going to help teach you a unique technique that will allow you get a whole new perspective of what happened in the past by using a little imagination and creative thinking so that you can become a director of your past negative memories edit and change them to having your desired outcome and eliminate any ghosts in your past .

But before you start to use your imagination in this unique way and become a time traveler into your past I will first give you an exercise on visualizing because a lot of people don’t realize that they visualize or how they visualize, Once you understand that you do and how you visualize you will be ready to take the next step and allow me to guide you into the past and change those negative memories to have a positive outcome and by doing this you will begin to notice changes in your everyday life.

  1. Preparing to learn how to rise above your fears or problems
  2. How to view your life from a new perspective
  3. How to rise above your problems
  4. Solve problems while you sleep Hypnosis

Downloadable Resources

  1. What is Hypnosis mp3
  2. EFT instructions & Disclaimer mp3
  3. Breathing Exercise mp3
  4. Freedom from stress with EFT mp3
  5. Mopping up section mp3
  6. EFT Tapping Points Instructions. pdf

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