[Udemy Discount Global] – Product Design in Autodesk Fusion 360 from idea to prototype

[Udemy Discount Global] – Product Design in Autodesk Fusion 360 from idea to prototype
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Product Design in Autodesk Fusion 360 from idea to prototype.
Design a product starting from first sketches to complex forms, assemblies and CNC machining.
What Will I Learn?
  • Navigate through the user interface of Autodesk Fusion 360
  • Understand design process in Autodesk Fusion 360
  • Create conceptual design and organic forms using T-Splines
  • Design mechanical parts using solid modeling tools
  • Create mechanical assemblies and motion studies
  • Collaborate with other members of the project and manage the data in the cloud
  • Create drawings and renderings
  • Use CAM module to setup 2.5-axis milling of a part

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